The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
he Non Fungible Bible is a one-of-a-kind art collection, created by you.
The Non-Fungible Bible (NFB) is the first NFT book on the blockchain. The book will contain a maximum of 512 pages which will contain 1024 unique user-generated art pieces each represented by a unique NFT.
You are not simply buying a random NFT online, you are part of the collective that will be creating the entire book. Whether you want to immortalize your name / brand, promote something you love or to simply add some cool art  - you have an entirely fresh canvas to create something unthinkable.
Together, we are creating history.
Initially, the page number for each PAGE token will be hidden until the sale has completed, after all the art is submitted the index for the tokens will be randomly set. This is your page # in the NFB.